Adopting a Relational Pedagogy for Academic Library Internships


  • Ron McColl West Chester University
  • Timothy Sestrick West Chester University



relational pedagogy, internships, teaching, ethic of care


This article discusses the benefits of relational pedagogy in academic library internships. Internships provide a unique opportunity for librarians to create a highly relational learning environment based on developing meaningful connections with students, as well as facilitating student-to-student and student-to-profession connections. These types of learning relationships enable a collaborative, highly personal approach to teaching and learning and impart a deeper sense of meaning to the internship experience. The authors share their experiences incorporating relational pedagogy and an ethic of care into their long-standing internship programs for undergraduate and graduate students at West Chester University.

Author Biography

Timothy Sestrick, West Chester University

Timothy Sestrick is Music Librarian, Head of the Presser Music Library, and Assistant Professor at West Chester University. He previously served as Music Librarian, Head of the Music and Media Department, and Instructor of Music at Gettysburg College.


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