LibGuides as Outreach

Creating Research Guides About and For Diverse Communities


  • James Sterner Shippensburg University
  • Heather Glasby



Diversity Equity and Inclusion, LGBTQIA , queer, indigenous, disability, LibGuides, research guides, outreach


In the fall of 2022, the authors created a series of three LibGuides for the Ezra Lehman Memorial Library about LGBTQ+, disabled, and Indigenous communities. These LibGuides served both as resources for academic research and as outreach tools to the communities represented in the guides. In this paper, we discuss the creation process behind these guides, how these guides were used as outreach tools, and the collaborative programming which resulted from the creation of these guides. In addition, we discuss ways in which our LibGuides outreach efforts can be framed within larger discussions about the role of outreach in libraries and the ways in which other libraries can use LibGuides as outreach.


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