Leveraging Citation Management Software (CMS) for Broad Library Impact






Librarians recognized an opportunity to grow the number of RefWorks users on campus and launched an initiative to more aggressively market the software. Barriers to growth were recognized, staff training was undertaken, and targeted services and programming were infused with more content centered on the citation management software (CMS). After a year and a half, the library assessed the popularity and impact of the program. While RefWorks is now much more widely used on campus, it has also led to additional instructional classes, workshops, and reference transactions. These additional and unanticipated benefits have greatly enhanced the reputation of the software among librarians. In addition, students, faculty, and university administrators have all responded positively to the results of the initiative, enhancing the reputation of the library on campus. Other academic libraries may benefit from a similar campaign based on their own subscription CMS.

Author Biography

Ron McColl, Alvernia University

Reference & Instruction Librarian


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